This item will be available for preorder on {{product.launch_date_mdy}}.
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Ships direct from the supplier/vendor.
{{}} is only available to buy in increments of {{product.qty_increment}}.
This item is made-to-order and typically ships in 2-5 business days.
This product contains hazardous materials and may incur additional shipping charges.
Carrying this wallet will get you noticed. This fashionable wallet has plenty of room on the front to sublimate a flashy design. It also has plenty of space to carry your items including ten credit card slots, one identification holder, ability to hold a phone and/or checkbook, zippered interior and exterior compartment as well as a magnetic closure.
The sublimatable area is 7.50" x 3.125".
This item is ready to be given as a gift with an included box. Available in black or light pink.
Carrying this wallet will get you noticed. This fashionable wallet has plenty of room on the front to sublimate a flashy design. It also has plenty of space to carry your items including ten credit card slots, one identification holder, ability to hold a phone and/or checkbook, zippered interior and exterior compartment as well as a magnetic closure.
The sublimatable area is 7.50" x 3.125".
This item is ready to be given as a gift with an included box. Available in black or light pink.